Step 1 :

1) Create a CMS Collection with the fields shown in the below screenshot.

Field 1: Instagram Thumbnail to fetch and store the Instagram post image.

Field 2: Instagram Handle to fetch and store the User name of the user image.

Field 3: Post Link to fetch and store the link to the fetched post.

Publish the site.

Step 2 :

1) Sign in into your Zapier account or you can create one by clicking on the Sign up button.

2) Click on the Zap and it will show you all the created zaps like below screenshot or you can create your own by clicking on the top right corner      button with text "+ create".

3) Then click on New Zap.

Step 3 :

1) Type the name of the app from which the event will trigger in our case it is Instagram so have typed Instagram.

2) Select the Event on which this Zap will trigger (See below screenshot).

3) Click on the Action text to perform an action once the Zap is triggered.

4) You will be asked again so that you can select the app in which the action takes place (In our case it is webflow so selected webflow).

5) Select the Action you want to happen. After the zap is triggered see the below screenshot.

6) Click continue to select the Webflow account in which you want this Zap to be effective.

Step 4:

1) Select the site and name of the collection, In which this action will store the data.

Step 5:

Map the fields of Instagram with the Webflow collection fields as given in the below screenshot.

1) Map the Instagram thumbnail field with the Media URL field to grab the image from the Post

2) Map the Name with the Instagram caption.(make sure you add caption every time you upload a photo).

3) Map the Instagram Handle field with the Username field to fetch and store the username from Instagram.

4) Map the post link with the Permalink so that we can redirect the user to the Instagram post.

5) Map the slug with the Children field to generate a URL .

6) Select false in the Archived Dropdown.

7) Select false in the Drafts Dropdown.

8) Click on the test action field to check the response like below screenshot. Then publish Zap.

Step 6:

Publish the Zap.